Subject: SR- NASDAQ-2020-081
From: Jeremy Wichman

Feb. 01, 2021


Vanessa Countryman, Secretary 
Securities and Exchange Commission 
100 F Street, NE 
Washington, DC 20549-0609 

RE:  SR- NASDAQ-2020-081 

The NASDAQ stock exchange should not be requiring companies on its platform to have boards that are Filled with members based on their race or gender. Ethnic background and gender are protected classes in employment for good reason. No employment, advancement, pay, benefit, etc should be tied to anything other than the person's knowledge, skills and abilities in doing the job. This also flies directly in the face of our constitution This change will also bring endless litigation to companies and NASDAQ due to its inherent problems as well as how vague it could be. Please do not apply this change. 

Thank you, 
Jeremy Wichman