Subject: File No. SR-NASDAQ-2020-081
From: Phil Goldstein

Jan. 02, 2021

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I am shocked that NASDAQ has ignored one of the largest groups of historically disadvantaged persons – short people.  Just because they don’t have a “Short Pride Parade”?  
Please read the lyrics of this popular ditty and do not approve any rule that excludes short people.
Short people got no reason 
Short people got no reason 
Short people got no reason 
To live 

They got little hands 
And little eyes 
And they walk around 
Tellin' great big lies 
They got little noses 
And tiny little teeth 
They wear platform shoes 
On their nasty little feet 

Well, I don't want no short people 
Don't want no short people 
Don't want no short people 
'Round here 

Short people are just the same 
As you and I 
(A fool such as I) 
All men are brothers 
Until the day they die 
(It's a wonderful world) 

Short people got nobody 
Short people got nobody 
Short people got nobody 
To love 

They got little baby legs 
And they stand so low 
You got to pick 'em up 
Just to say hello 
They got little cars 
That got beep, beep, beep 
They got little voices 
Goin' peep, peep, peep 
They got grubby little fingers 
And dirty little minds 
They're gonna get you every time 

Well, I don't want no short people 
Don't want no short people 
Don't want no short people 
'Round here
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