From: John W. Sinders, Jr.
Sent: December 12, 2006
Subject: File No. SR-NASDAQ-2006-040

Dear Sirs:

I strongly support the NASDAQ expanded fee for the additional services they are providing. Much of my business is Initial Public Offerings and one of the greatest difficulties with IPOs is appropriate and correct investor communication. Although there are many investor relation firms in the business, by and large its still a cottage industry. I've been pressing my contacts at NASDAQ to provide this type of a service for the past 2 years. They are highly skilled professionals and will provide a much needed service to new public market registrants. This is all the more critical in this day and time given the large shift of business away from the US markets due to the increased complexity and perceived difficulties of new US regulations. The proposed services will do a great deal to help shepherd new registrants into our market and provide the professional guidance necessary to calm their fears. It would be nice to start doing more deals in my home country again as oppose to pitching transactions in the UK, Norway, Singapore and Dubai.

I applaud the steps they are taking and strongly recommend that you approve their increase in fees to cover this vital addition of services.

Facilitating entrance into the US markets and maintaining our position as the Worlds leading capital market is of vital importance to all of us. If I can be of any additional assistance please feel free to contact me via email or by phone at my office 713-308-4543.

Very truly yours,
John W. Sinders, Jr.
Director - Transportation, Oil Service and Emerging Markets
Jefferies & Company, Inc.