Subject: Delays in SR-FINRA 2024 007
From: LL TT

Jun. 12, 2024

There is a delay of enforcement. 
You are destroying the stock markets confidence. 7300 IPOs down to 4300 in the NYSE past 10 years. 

The entire international community is watching your synthetic shares get pushed around to avoid liability. 

The next 2008 won't be flags and a protest, the people know now because of GME. 

I want blood to be spilled over this corruption. 
I don't expect you to behave in a legal or trusting demeanor going forward. 

We'll let the innocent ones go. The complicit ones need not worry about court mandates. 

The GME apes have their names and addresses, the judicial process will not be the primary enforcement mechanism of this market change. 

It will be blood. Write that one down.