Subject: SR-FINRA-2024-007
From: Callum Donaldson

Jun. 12, 2024


I read with some concern the proposed 45-day delay of File Number SR-FINRA-2024-007. I believe that this delay will introduce unnecessary risk, and any postponement could result in prolonged exposure to risks that the new rule aims to mitigate. 

The market participants have been anticipating these changes and have likely begun preparations to comply with the new regulations. A delay at this stage would cause significant uncertainty and could disrupt the operational plans of many firms. The proposed rule changes address vital aspects of market conduct and oversight that are crucial for the stability and transparency of our financial system. Any delay in their implementation could undermine these goals and weaken investor confidence. 

I respectfully urge the SEC to reconsider the proposed 45-day delay of File Number SR-FINRA-2024-007 and proceed with the implementation as originally scheduled. Ensuring prompt action on this matter is in the best interest of all stakeholders involved. 
