Subject: File No. SR-EDGX-2014-18
From: Suzanne Shatto

September 20, 2014

what i mean about a "turkey shoot".
this is a direct result of allowing marketmakers and professional investors advantages at the exchanges.

Record S&P 500 Masks 47% of Nasdaq Mired in Bear Market
Beneath the U.S. stock market’s record-setting gains, trouble is stirring.
About 47 percent of stocks in the Nasdaq Composite Index are down at least 20 percent from their peak in the last 12 months while more than 40 percent have fallen that much in the Russell 2000 Index and the Bloomberg IPO Index. That contrasts with the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, which has closed at new highs 33 times in 2014 and where less than 6 percent of companies are in bear markets, data compiled by Bloomberg show.
watch the video to see the chart.
and this is the symptom of the damage caused by high-frequency trading/algorithmic trading/rampant shortselling with the benefits offered by the exchanges.