Subject: Comments for Proposed Rule SR-DTC-2023-005
From: Ben Passlow

Jun. 1, 2023

To whom it may concern, 

I cannot, in good faith, support these proposed rule filings, as they feature heavily redacted sections which omit, obfuscate or prevent the dissemination of key information contained therein. 

What, exactly, is the point of filing rules created by blatantly corrupt SROs whose sole purpose is to manipulate and control the US financial system for the benefit of the rich? Further, why are they then redacting the rule itself in order to hide the truth from retail investors? 

Clearing Agencies (including DTC, NSCC and FICC) want to mix funds from their Participants and the Clearing Fund. Normally, separating customer assets from a company is a key protection to keep companies from "accidentally" counting customer money as their own, using it, and losing it. If Clearing Agencies want to commingle (i.e. mix) money together, it's almost certainly because they want to cook books. 

This is madness. America is on a suicide mission towards self-destruction.