Subject: Re: File No. SR-NSCC-2023-003, SR-FICC-2023-004, and SR-DTC-2023-003
From: Matt McMahon

Apr. 14, 2023

Hi There, 

How are Household Investors expected to be able to adequately comment and interpret new rule change proposals when the entirety of exhibit 5 is redacted? If important information concerning the rule proposal isn't available for review how is that ensuring transparency and a level playing field for Household Investors?  

You can't blindfold the general public and then expect them to say they are okay with the ingredients in the sandwich you are holding - you need to actually tell us the ingredients and give us the details in order for us to determine our perception of the rule proposal. 

The proposed rule change involves important information such as the selection of 3rd party pricing vendors, monitoring and review of pricing vendor data and the processing and use of said pricing vendor data. Household investors cannot fully assess the implications of these changes when we are only being told part of the details. 

I strongly urge the SEC to release the redacted exhibits so that household investors like myself can make informed decisions based on a clear and transparent understanding of the rule proposal. 

Thank you, -- 

Matthew J. McMahon