Subject: SR-NSCC-2023-003 SR-FICC-2023-004 SR-DRC-2023-003
From: Danny Blurr

Apr. 14, 2023

To the NSCC, FICC, and DTC
As a household investor, I am entirely against any regulation or rule change proposals where the entire exhibits are redacted from the same public that you’re asking to comment, and more specifically the rule change proposals for file numbers SR-DRC-2023-003, SR-FICC-2023-004, and SR-NSCC-2023-003. At what point are the consistent cloaks cast over everything going to be lifted and the charade of requesting input on things that are purposely hidden from the public’s view going to stop?
It's almost humorous how much validity and respect this institution that are said to be the backbone of our markets has been slaughtered at the hands of corrupt officials who time after time show that their interest lies in the hands of institutions and hedge funds.
This proposal seems to be a direct response to recent market movements in specific securities, although I wouldn’t be able to verify NOR even review any material due to the fact it’s all redacted. Now, include the fact that these changes would take immediate effect and it seems as if what you’re trying to do is sweep things under the rug allowing the NSCC to provide even further breaks from participants resulting in forced buy ins on dvp/rvp accounts, margin calls, outstanding balances and more. 
To clarify, I am against the proposals due to the fact that this is extremely shady and not consistent with a transparent market, the NSCC, FICC, and DTC have consistently shown their inability to properly present exhibits for upcoming proposals, along with the inability to enforce current regulations which is apparent in the disgusting mass manipulated, algo-ran, hedge fund owned “stock market” that apparently need further clarification so that participants don’t ultimately get in trouble for committing fraud.
Thank you,
Household Investor.