Subject: File No. SR-DTC-2021-017
From: Andrew Robison
Affiliation: Individual Investor

April 11, 2022

if im understanding this, you're going to use the reporting feature that in another rule filed previously you said you don't use anymore and would get rid of while amending the model risk management framework?(ficc 2022 02)

how much longer can the can be kicked down the road before someone has foresight to just deal with it. the federal reserve and it's 23 direct market makers have robbed the entire system again using libor and derivatives. every new rule submitted in the last 480 days has been nothing but avoiding the responsibility from the fallout of letting self regulating organizations make up their own rules just to continue the lie that this market is anything more than an algorithm that has already played out as we watch it on a loop getting shorter every time.

this is how entropy works itself out your assets are worth nothing, and they will continue to lose value until they are worthless. you can keep moving the goalpost and trying to cool the system but it's important to realize that what is done cannot be undone.