Subject: File No. SR-CHX-2016-20
From: John L. Prufeta

Sep. 13, 2017

Dear Commissioners of the SEC,

I  am writing to express my support for the sale of the Chicago Stock Exchange to the investment group led by Casin. I believe concerns about foreign influence are way overblown and welcome foreign investment into the US financial system. As a recent graduate of Villanova Business School, I learned the value of America's strong regulatory system and the recent strengthening of that system post-crisis. I think compliance will be strong irrespective of the owners. Furthermore, my analysis of the deal mechanics showed that voting control risk is mitigated by Casin's decision to have less voting power.

Carefully orchestrated cross-border investment guided by strong regulatory oversight is beneficial for the two largest economies in the world. I do hope that the approval will also spur the Chinese government to approve in-kind investment by US investors into the Chinese financial system. America is a leader. I believe that the approval of this sale to stand as a very good example of American leadership and confidence in our systems, safeguards, and global economic perspective.

To reiterate, I support the sale of the Chicago Stock Exchange to the investment group led by Casin. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. 


John L. Prufeta