Subject: Chicago Stock Exchange
From: Robert J. Prufeta
Affiliation: Solomon Page Healthcare & Life Sciences

September 12, 2017

Release No. 34-79474
File No. SR-CHX-2016-20
Robert J Prufeta

This letter is in complete support of the sale transaction by Chinese investors of the Chicago Stock Exchange.
It is of my opinion that the allowance of this transaction will accomplsh several ‎important objectives including the following 1) improvemet of Chinese and United States business climate 2) spur local, national and international economic investment VIA listing of Chinese companies on the exchange and the investment by Chinese in current CHX companies 3)  provide for a forum of diverse busineses and investors to expand investment and partnership opportunities in a well regulated environment.

Thank you for allowing me to weigh in on this important matter and I hope that the committee finds that this transaction has met all measures of due-dilligence that is customary and allows for the transaction to move forward.
Robert J Prufeta

Robert J. Prufeta‎
Senior Vice President, Executive Search
Solomon Page Healthcare & Life Sciences
260 Madison Ave.| 7th Floor | New York | NY 10016