Subject: SR-CHX-2016-20 - CHX Holdings and North America Casin Holdings, Inc.
From: Steven Caban

March 1, 2017

Brent J. Fields
US Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re:  File No. SR-CHX-2016-20

Dear Mr. Fields,

I have been following the news about a potential transaction of the Chicago Stock Exchange.  As both a native of Chicago and a part-time investor, I am excited for the opportunities that new investors of CHX may bring to my hometown.  I support SEC to grant approval for Chicago Stock Exchange's application.

The New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq are both stellar exchanges that are well-known worldwide.  I want Chicago to have a stock exchange that is second to none.  There have been a few initiatives over the last few years that have done little to boost the reputation or attract more investors.  Chicago exchange is unique because of its independence, so with the assistance of outside investment and proposed initiatives, there is a lot of opportunity for growth.  

Some of the world's most reputable fortune 500 companies call Chicago home, so having an exchange that would help attract additional foreign investment is an important way to help create well-paying jobs.  Chicago had more significant FDI projects than any metropolitan area in North America. There are more than 150,000 students graduate annually from the more than 130 Chicago-area colleges and universities, who will certainly benefit from the inward foreign investment.

I am very excited about this great opportunity for Chicago!


Steven Caban