Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2023-044
From: Michael McGinley
Affiliation: Head of Workplace, Working in Web3

July 18, 2023

Dear SEC,

I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed Bitcoin ETF, which I believe marks a significant advancement for our financial system.

Although Bitcoin carries inherent risks, its potential benefits are substantial. A Bitcoin ETF would allow investors to engage with Bitcoin markets without handling cryptocurrencies directly, mitigating potential security risks.

The creation of a Bitcoin ETF could enhance liquidity, price stability, and democratize access to this novel investment. Moreover, it could spur wider adoption of cryptocurrencies, aligning with global digitalization trends and showcasing U.S. commitment to financial and technological innovation.

Other countries have already approved Bitcoin ETFs, demonstrating that balancing risks and rewards in cryptocurrency investments is feasible and advantageous.

Finally, approving a Bitcoin ETF under stringent regulation aligns with the SEC's mission of protecting investors, maintaining efficient markets, and facilitating capital formation. It expands investment opportunities and aids the formation of new capital in this increasingly relevant market sector.

I respectfully urge the SEC to consider these potential benefits.

Thank you.