Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Michel A Donegani, Ph.D.
Affiliation: CEO

July 13, 2018

Good morning,
I think that the listing of ETF on Bitcoin (and maybe Ether) will have some positive consequences for investors, both current and potential. First of all this will be an easy access to the instrument. Currently a lot of investors are using virtual Exchanges located in the cloud ... that are out of any regulation. An ETF listed, particularly in the US, will certainly attract a lot of capital that is currently sitting on these exchanges. Secondly, an ETF will allow less technically oriented investors (the current situation with exchanges is still complex) to access this new asset class. In my view, an ETF on BTC will be the first and not the last as digital assets are here to stay and grow. Rather be the first market to allow that, what is the downside risk?
Best regards
Michel Donegani