Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: David F Rupe
Affiliation: Software Engineer

July 12, 2018

I am against the proposed ETF of bitcoin. Bitcoin is entirely unregulated and does not require an ETF for affective purchase by investors. It is not a stock nor commodity that is inaccessible to the average investor which would require an ETF. In fact, quite the contrary, it is easily purchased and transferable without a broker. Therefore bitcoin does not require an ETF for full and complete participation by the public. An ETF would require trust in an institution to purchase and properly allocate assets for storage, settlement, and distribution. This undermines the very purpose of bitcoin which is to remove all requirements for trust in third party institutions. Please consider rejecting the ETF application on the grounds that it is neither necessary for investor participation nor would it improve investor protections.