Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Martin McDaniel

July 18, 2018

The approval should go through. America has a currency backed by faith ,with debt in national debt clock over 21 trillion and growing ,dollar hegemony weakening with Russia and China having gold for yuan for oil it is important that American people have the lions share of this asset which is backed by the same process as stocks are , the buying isn't for intrinsic value as the various entrenched money powers try to infer ,it is for the ability to avoid fees in all transfer and even settlement for real estate which will be avail on bitcoin smart contracts,countries with inflation in the 1000s of percent wont stop buying and neither will out of country foreign workers , the fees are astronomical to send money home as high as 15 percent ,working people wont pay this and crypto is here to stay .Consider Americans will see a big gain from this if done right and encouraging Americans to buy with a full range of products should be in the decision making process. Don't let the huge benefits of crypto be lost to our country. ps . soon real time micro payments will be possible and new businesses will be possible that fees precluded. Trying to keep it short ,don't believe lies from bankers protecting their exhorbitant fee structures. They hinder free enterprise in this area.