Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Robert Knapp

July 12, 2018

Please consider this ETF proposal. Bitcoin represents a new emerging asset class and this proposal allows institutional exposure to this new digital currency market. Furthermore, in light of China's recent smart city experiment and eventual state-controlled cryptocurrency, which will be used in tandem with their smart social credit score for each citizen and allow total control and surveillance of their population, the only counter-balance to this attack on our sovereign fiat USD, would be to implement an adoption of a decentralized currency such as bitcoin and create a fedcoin trading pair for tax collection (consumption tax) and government services. Rest assured, China will require the use of its cryptocurrency in future international trade, which will attack our economy and debase our dollar. The writing is on the wall, Russia will implement Ethereum-Russia, China will adopt a NEO like crypto-currency, and the rest of the world will adopt other digital classes to suit their own needs and bypass sanctions. There will always be a regulatory oasis such as Malta, whose economy will skyrocket due to lower regulatory burden. The USA needs to be a leader before it is left behind; it is time to return our economy and our currency to the future. We cannot live in the past, it is time to embrace the future. That first step is exposure to bitcoin in institutional markets. It's time to embrace TRUE freedom and liberty, as we did with our founding.

Robert Knapp