Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Richard M. Creasi

July 11, 2018

Please allow the Bitcoin ETF.

Exchange traded funds have allowed for the democratization of investing by making it easier for the average person to manage a diversified portfolio.

The key to diversification is to invest in several asset classes not correlated with each other. This used to be accomplished simply with a mix of stocks, bonds, and commodities. Unfortunately, in recent years these, too, have moved in lockstep with each other which nullifies the advantage of diversification. A cryptocurrency ETF would provide another alternative investment which could be added to a diversified portfolio. While not a panacea, it would at least allow people a convenient way to add Bitcoin (and eventually an index of several cryptocurrencies should you so permit) to their IRAs and 401(k)s. Thank you for your attention and consideration,

Richard M Creasi