Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Charles Patterson

July 12, 2018

Please immediately remove the 'Accredited Investor' restriction. People of ALL economic classes must have access to opportunity. Throwing up gates for those who may already be limited? To who's purpose? People that 'happen to be poor' also need access to liquid able and exchangeable money no matter where they live. People will often improve their lot if they are provided with easier access to currency of exchange.

Money (or access to loans and banking) should be available to EVERYONE; especially if they have a good plan, a sense of purpose and the desire to 'make things happen.' If we have a free Marketplace we can manifest good ideas into a Reality we can ALL share together.

We can Create a *New Renaissance* and when each of us leaves this World; each will know it is a BETTER place because WE were here...

Kind regards,

Charles Owen Patterson