Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Corey Owens

July 12, 2018

to whom it may concern

I would really like for the sec to allow a bitcoin etf. the reasons are the following,

1 this new asset class really need regulation clarity!

2 Some of the best minds in this space are leaving the US because of fear of over regulation and no command since approach to this space in regards to innovation and technology,

3 cryptocurrency/digital assets are becoming bigger and bigger and I fear America will be left behind

4 The sec was formed to protect the American citizen's from fraud and scams , with a etf this will wipe out market manipulation and fraud because this will need to be above board, on the table sort to speak.

5 a lot of people will continue to invest in this space with hopes of future growth with the hopes of future prosperity, why not America lead the way, because if we don't AMERICAN WILL FOLLOW THE LEAD OF OTHER COUNTRIES IN THIS QUEST

6 Tax clarity, would like to be a good citizen and pay taxes the right way with clarity