Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Matt Gustafson

July 12, 2018

For the love of god please allow a bitcoin ETF. With thee amount of regulation and FUD we have endured the last 6 months it has been beyond stressful and depressing. I recognize the technology behind bitcoin is the next natural step in evolution for currency. It's more secure, reliable, convenient, than many other assets. One of the advantages is no one can ever take it from you physically, its stored all on the blockchain.

I can type wall of text after wall of text I doubt you guys really read all of this. What i comes down to is, bitcoin is digital gold. It needs to be treated as a legitimate asset. Perhaps a new asset class. It will only continue to grow and become stronger with the lightning network as it develops. Also Ethereum will continue to develop with Proof of Stake and Casper.

Please... I can't take this much longer. This last 6 months has been hell. A bitcoin and or Ethereum ETF will give this new asset class a spotlight to shine. I have lost over 70% of my liquidity over the time I keep putting money into crypto because it makes sense. It might be one of the best things ever made and I wanted to be a part of that. We all do. PLEASE.