Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Scott Pool

July 11, 2018

I would like to add my voice here to state that I support a Bitcoin ETF. I have been following the growth of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for a number of years, and believe this is a new asset class paving the way to the future, similar to how the Internet changed the face of business.

I believe that what we saw in 2017 was the expansion, and subsequent pop of the bubble, spurned by the sudden discovery of this tech in the public eye for the first time. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies leveling out at this time after the bubble, is another reason I believe this is the perfect time to establish an ETF.

The feverish, and at times, illogical excitement over anything with "Blockchain" in the name is now gone, allowing more experienced investors to make better decisions about the growth potential of these companies. It also presents a perfect time for institutions to start investing if they wish.

In conclusion, a Bitcoin ETF would be an exciting step forward for this asset class, bringing a level of sophistication and increased legitimacy to the market. I hope that this does come to light--we live in exciting times.

Scott Pool