Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-001
From: Joshua J Terry

October 11, 2018


I wouldn't approve a bitcoin etf yet. Not now. I think people should be cautious now. What concerns me is Tether. There are 2.8 billion tether floating out there, but it's my guess they don't even have a 50% reserve. What happens if a bitcoin etf is approved and people start pouring money into there 401ks only to have that negative news come out. That could send prices crashing down another 75%. Lives would be ruined. I invest in coins like Dogecoin and meme related stuff so for me if bitcoin tanks I don't really care because for me it's entertainment. I personally think there is too much bad news waiting to come out yet. Exchanges like hitbtc which are totally fradulent don't help either. I'm all for a bitcoin etf. Yes I want my meme coins to ride bitcoins coat tails and be worth millions someday but approving a bitcoin etf now is too soon in my opinion. Too many people could get hurt.