Subject: File No. SR-BOX-2019-37
From: Kevin Romero
Affiliation: C++ developer

April 10, 2020

Dear SEC,

I'm writing to you to weigh in on the proposal of Tzero security token exchange. Let me tell you I'm really excited for BSTX and TZERO joint venture. I've been using Dino exchange since Nov. 2019. I love it. It's so user friendly,reliable, government complaint and I feel very confident in Dino exchange than any other exchange out there aside from Etrade of course. I've used exchanges from Cryptopia to Binance to Coinbase Pro. I feel Dino exchange is just as reliable as Coinbase or Coinbase Pro. Everybody's excitement to see Dino exchange to be accepted for security tokens joint venture with BSTX is remarkable and will make a historic achievement in these COVID-19 world changing times. Tzero exchange (Dino Broker-dealer) can help our economy grow with new investors investing in businesses to tokenize their business assets and I 100% approve the operations by the security exchange affiliated with Overstocks Tzero Thank you so much for reading my proposal and I cant't wait for the updated news forSR-BOX-2019-37.

Have a Safe Easter

Best Regards,

Kevin Romero

(C++ Developer)