Subject: File No. S7-01-17
From: O Medina

March 10, 2017

In regard to the proposed Winklevoss ETF, I feel that it is a natural progression of our economy and it should not be impeded. When paper money first arrived on the scene, there was much suspicion and fear. Fear of the unknown is the most natural thing in the world. Time and time again thanks to intrepid men and women we have braved the unknowns of the American frontier and Space itself. You folks at the SEC are in a unique position, I liken the moment to when Nikola Tesla turned over his patents, knowing that his compensation would be naught, but with the full conviction that the world needed what was in his power to give. As a child I was always told that we as a country were duty bound to help the world because we are the most powerful nation. If this holds true, should we not be leading the way for the rest of the world to follow?

Sincerely and respectfully yours,
