Subject: File No. S7-45-10
From: Diane M Witt

September 11, 2011

I think this may be the most effective way to track the financial interests of the political appointees to the various "enterprise" or "state owned economic development corporation" boards. Especially here in Alaska, where enormous dollars are appropriated through our state legislature for "economic development" to a long list of entities that appear to exist for the sole purpose of enriching the individuals involved to the detriment of Alaska's citizens.

One may look no further than the various boards affiliated with the Alaska Permanent Fund, the Alaska Railroad, the joint board of the Alaska Energy Authority with the Alaska Import Development and Export Authority among many others to see the individual conflicts of interest.

Please enforce this provision as quickly as possible so that the public at large, and the citizens of Alaska in particular can finally view the connections between the horrific corruption and mismanagement of our resources.

Thank You,
Diane Witt

(Attached File: s74510-871.pdf)