Subject: File No. S7-45-10
From: Igor Minin
Affiliation: Solutions Architect, FINRA (Market Regulation Technology)

January 13, 2011

As a faithful and law-abiding citizen of the United States, Im totally in favor of such regulation.

Manipulation of security values and corporate assets as well as ferocious trading malpractices, resulted in an economic bubble that finally burst in the 2007-2008. The entire county has been hurt – individual savings have tumbled to zero, businesses went bankrupt and the commerce has almost come to a halt. Since that period a number of regulations have been proposed to regulate stock market and municipal activity. This proposed rule is another sensible regulation to control malicious individuals who are likely to attempt enriching themselves at the expense of others. The practice where anonymous tipsters could convince government officials into risky and possibly criminal activities by misrepresenting information will now be over. This new proposed rule brings the accountability aspect to state investments – with municipal advisors now having to be identified, any failed investment can be traced and identified to an individual. And if a possible fraud occurred, a responsible party would be charged.

The rule is likely to result in fewer advices made and decreased return on investments as risk-taking of investing into questionable securities is reduced. Ultimately, while slowing down the economy in boom times, this regulation provides a much safer playing field for all consumers involved.