Subject: File No. S7-41-11
From: Susan Verdicchio

February 10, 2012


I’m writing in support of a strong Volcker Rule. My family and I were affected by the economic collapse of 2008, and we don’t want it to happen again.

As you prepare the final rule, bear in mind the fundamental goal of the rule – to ban big banks from exposing consumers and taxpayers to risky proprietary trades.

Banks that break the rule should face swift, automatic penalties for violations. Violations of the Volcker Rule endanger the stability of our financial system. They should not be treated lightly.

The Volcker Rule is already a substantial compromise from Glass-Steagall's total separation of commercial banks, that hold consumer deposits, and firms that can engage in proprietary trading. Haven't we learned the fundamental lesson that markets are not all self-correcting?

Exemptions should only be allowed if they do not undermine this goal. If an exemption would result in exposing consumers and taxpayers to bank risk, it should be rejected.

Thank you for considering my comment,

Susan Verdicchio

Winchester, MA