Subject: File No. S7-41-11
From: Andre, NY

February 13, 2012

Enforce the Volcker Rule!!!! This is a step in the right direction! Please retain what teeth there are! Think about the public not what the SIFMA says. I think that carried interest should be considered ownership under the Volcker Rule just like it is under our tax code. I would also like you to consider removing the repo exclusion. This exclusion is Lin- sanity!! ...and not in a good way. The SEC needs to look back at the June 6, 1934 and ask why was this agency set up? To protect to public from abuses of the secondary market! This is what the Volcker Rule ideally implements and what you should strive achieve in enforcing the Volcker Rule. Good night and good luck.

Enforce the Volcker Rule!!!! This is a step in the right direction! Please retain what teeth there are! Think about the public not what the SIFMA says. I think that carried interest should be considered ownership under the Volcker Rule just like it is under our tax code. I would also like you to consider removing the repo exclusion. This exclusion is Lin- sanity!! ...and not in a good way. The SEC needs to look back at the June 6, 1934 and ask why was this agency set up? To protect to public from abuses of the secondary market! This is what the Volcker Rule ideally implements and what you should strive achieve in enforcing the Volcker Rule. Good night and good luck.