Subject: RE: File No. S7-32-22; Release No. 34-96496· Regulation Best Execution
From: Trevor Capestany

Mar. 31, 2023


To whom it may concern, 

I fully support the SEC's proposed rule changes to promote transparency and competition. Trading platforms should of course have the same rules regarding stocks. Otherwise, one trading platform may have an inherent advantage over another. Additionally, our markets would largely benefit from reducing conflicts of interest by increasing transparency in order routing done by brokers and wholesalers. The proposed changes to alternative trading systems will be very beneficial to the transparency and overall health and fairness of our market structure as well. The proposal to implement a variable minimum pricing increment model for the quoting and trading of NMS stocks would be a great step forward in fair pricing across trading platforms. I continue to urge the SEC to make these strides forward in ensuring our markets are fair and competitive. 

Trevor Capestany