Subject: File No. S7-32-22, Release No. 34-96496· Regulation Best Execution
From: Timothy McDermott

Mar. 31, 2023



I'm writing in support of this ruling. 

As I understand how this ruling works, it will help reduce occasions when a company can gain order flow by offering quasi better order execution, but it may not actually be the best possible execution. I support policies that better outline best execution, and cut down on the grey areas surrounding these "price improvement schemes" that companies use to attract order flow. 

ATS should establish and enforce written policies and procedures to prevent fraudulent and manipulative practices. This would help to protect individual investors from abusive practices in the ATS market. As my own individual investor 

This proposed change by the SEC will be another step towards increasing order flow transparency. It will reduce conflicts of interest, and promote fair and transparent trading practices. I'm in support of creating a competitive market structure that benefits investors and--most importantly--encourages transparency. 

Thank you, 
Tim McDermott