Subject: []S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from John Hinzey
From: John Hinzey
Affiliation: Hearing Instrument Specialist

Mar. 31, 2023

 March 31, 2023

 To whom it may concern,
As a household investor I am in favor of regulation best execution of orders. It is imperative to make sure that the trust in the markets competitive ability to perform the best execution of all orders in all markets. With the speed of high frequency trading and the advantage that goes to those who have the fastest computers, this rule has the ability to even the playing field, not only for everyday investors, but also for brokers. Without trust in this system to work for all investors, our markets will no longer be the most competitive in the world. With this proposal going into effect, we will have better competition across the board and will even the playing field for the entire general public.