Subject: RE: File No. S7-32-22; Release No. 34-96496· Regulation Best Execution
From: Dalton Zerlan

Mar. 31, 2023


Dear Ma'am/Sir, 

This letter/comment is in support of the proposed rule. 

The SEC needs to reduce conflicts of interest through an increase in transparency in the routing of orders by brokers and wholesalers, with investors having access to the best priced quotations available in the NMS - something this rulle helps attain. 

The proposed changes to ATS rules promote better alignment with regulatory frameworks for exchanges, benefiting everyone in the long-run. It's odd how the larger (and smaller) established industry players oppose this rule to such a degree. No? Reasonably speaking, it does make one wonder why that would be. 

There's claim they represent retail interests - which is bullshit, by and large. Unadulterated bullshit, *backstabbing,* and deception. But what's new from such people, ya? 

What is wanted by the "big players" is protection of the current obscure, complex, and unfair market structure - because they benefit enormously from it - at the expense of millions upon millions upon millions upon million and millions and millions of individual investors and families and children and grandparents and grandchildren and wives and husbands and brothers and sisters and uncles and aunts and more. People who may not be entirely aware of such unfair practices, but detrimentally affected nonetheless. 

We're talking about families and honest, hardworking people who are being deceived, backstabbed, and worked to death due to this Wall Street (Don't Tax Me!) Bro Cult and the associated concentration of power and wealth. End it already. For everything good and virtuous in this world, end... it... already. 

Thank you for your time. 

Dalton Zerlan