Subject: File No. S7-32-22; Release No. 34-96496
From: Dan Worms

Mar. 26, 2023


I am writing to express my strong support for File No. S7-32-22; Release No. 34-96496, which proposes amendments to Regulation Best Execution to enhance the quality and transparency of order execution practices.
As an investor, I believe that it is essential to have access to a fair and transparent market that provides the best execution possible for my orders. The proposed amendments would enhance the existing Regulation Best Execution rules to require broker-dealers to provide more detailed and standardized reports on their handling of customer orders, including the disclosure of the quality of their execution, the routing of orders, and the receipt of payment for order flow. This increased transparency will help investors to better understand how their orders are being executed, and to identify potential conflicts of interest.
The proposed amendments also seek to improve the execution quality of limit orders, by requiring broker-dealers to provide better price improvement for these types of orders. This would ensure that investors receive the best possible price for their orders, and promote a more competitive and efficient market.
I strongly believe that the proposed amendments will greatly benefit investors and contribute to a fair and transparent marketplace. Therefore, I urge the Securities and Exchange Commission to adopt the proposed amendments to Regulation Best Execution without delay.
Thank you for your consideration.

Dan worms