Subject: S7-32-22 Comments
From: Reis Hansen LICSW

Mar. 24, 2023


To whom it may concern, 

I strongly urge you to pass S7-32-22 Regulation Best Execution.  For far too long broker/dealers, hedge funds, exchanges, and other insiders have operated in a trading environment that provides them far too much leeway when it comes to executing retail trades.  Retail trading now makes up a substantial percentage of overall trading volume yet we get worse prices while having little to no impact on the price of the securities being purchased. 

The current system allows these entities to claim "price improvement" when in reality they have widened the bid/ask spread and ultimately provided a worse price overall. 

I believe this rule will help better align incentives across the board and provide actual price improvement for retail and all market participants. 

Sincerely, Reis Hansen LICSW