Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Christian Koschil
From: Christian Koschil

Mar. 9, 2023

March 9, 2023

 I'm an individual investor, and I'm writing in support of the rule changes proposed in File S7-32-22.  As a retail investor, I want transparent and fair markets.  The conflicts of interest that market makers wish to preserve seriously undermine faith in American markets.  Routing of retail orders to dark pools by market makers who take positions on the other side of retail creates a dangerous conflict of interest.

Unsurprisingly, these conflicted hedge fund/market makers are now writing in opposition to these proposed rule changes.
 As these rules undermine their flawed and unethical business model.  I strongly urge the SEC to ignore their comments and adopt the rule changes instead.

We need markets that regular investors can trust.