Subject: S7-32-22
From: Creighton Bledsoe

Feb. 28, 2023

Hello SEC, 

I'm writing to you as a household investor, unaffiliated with any hedge fund, market maker, or other organization.  

As an individual investor, I'm writing to voice my overwhelming support in favor of the passage of the proposed rule connected to file number S7-32-22.  

It is vitally important that broker-dealers offer best execution practices and make this their sole priority while also eliminating conflicts of interest that impede the fulfillment of such responsibility.  

I believe that this proposed rule is a step in this direction and therefore want to put all of my weight and support behind it.  

I really hope the SEC moves forward and passes this rule on behalf of everyday citizens who do not have the resources and coordinated lobbying power that big Wall Street firms have.  

Thank you for serving the citizenry of the United States. 

Thank you,  
William Bledsoe Jr