Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Julio Tello
From: Julio Tello

Feb. 24, 2023

February 24, 2023

 Dear SEC,

As a retail trader, I wanted to express my support for the Proposed Regulation Best Execution. As someone who's often on the receiving end of broker-dealer services, I can attest that sometimes it feels like the only thing that's getting executed is my portfolio.

All jokes aside, I'm glad to see that the SEC is taking steps to enhance the regulatory framework concerning the duty of best execution. It's important for us little guys to have a level playing field with the big guns on Wall Street. It's not easy trying to navigate the markets, and it's even harder when you're worried that your broker-dealer might not have your best interests at heart.

The requirement for detailed policies and procedures is a welcome change. Transparency is key when it comes to investing, and I want to know that my broker-dealer has a solid plan in place for getting the best deal for me. And for those broker-dealers engaging in certain conflicted transactions, well, they better have some seriously robust policies and procedures. I'm talking Iron Man levels of robustness here.

Overall, I think these proposed changes are a step in the right direction. I feel more secure knowing that my broker-dealer will be held to higher standards of accountability. So, thanks SEC, keep up the good work


Julio Tello