Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Shane Vossepoel
From: Shane Vossepoel

Feb. 24, 2023

February 24, 2023

 I belive that as a household investor my own market orders have not been executed to benefit myself or my families future.

For too long Market Markers have scoffed in the faces of investors such as myself by taking advantage of PFOFand HFT and front running my orders. I support the SEC in its efforts to bring more transparency to the stock markets.

But my confidence in the Securities Exchange Commission has drastically fallen due to, in large part failure to enforce existing regulations. Even if such action is taken it results in a minimal fine with not acceptance of guilt on the party being fined.

How long must the SEC keep making more regulations which become toothless in the first investigation.

I am an investor and I demand you to do your job to the fullest extent of the law.