Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Ben Mason
From: Ben Mason

Feb. 23, 2023

February 23, 2023

 Dear SEC,

I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed ban on payment for order flow. As an individual investor, I believe that this practice has created significant conflicts of interest and is detrimental to the integrity of our financial markets.

Payment for order flow incentivizes brokers to prioritize their own profits over the best interests of their clients, as they are rewarded for directing order flow to particular market makers, regardless of whether this is in the best interest of the investor. This has the potential to harm investors by limiting their access to the best possible execution and pricing.

Furthermore, the lack of transparency around payment for order flow has created a lack of trust in our financial system, as many investors are unaware that their orders are being sold to market makers and that their brokers are receiving compensation for this practice.

I believe that a ban on payment for order flow would help to restore trust and transparency in our financial markets, and would help to ensure that brokers are acting in the best interests of their clients. It would also help to level the playing field for individual investors and promote fair and open competition in our financial markets.

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to take action to ban payment for order flow and to promote greater transparency and integrity in our financial markets. Thank you for your consideration.


Ben Mason