Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Dylan Crosby
From: Dylan Crosby

Jan. 12, 2023

January 12, 2023

 I'm a small time investor. I'm broke most of the time. Have next to no savings. And can't afford to invest a whole lot to begin with. But when I learn about how the market has been built to further enrich the already super wealthy by using practices like PFOF and failure to deliver, I just don't see the point in investing. Retirement saving is absolutely dead and is also used to cover Wallstreet's bad bets. Theres no transparency and the fact that these massive hedge funds recruit right out of the very institutions meant to regulate them, well, thats a blatant conflict of interest. The PFOF and FTDs have to stop. The internalized trading pools being used by the big firms need shutdown and price discovery needs to be allowed to happen naturally. The entire market is rigged as to literally siphon money from the middle class, who's barely hanging on after everything thats happened, right into the big Wallstreet firms pockets. That should work the other way around. The average small inv
 estor is not greedy by any means. We'd just like a fair and free market that allows the opportunity for us to invest in our futures without Wallstreet stealing from us. Ban PFOF and force these big firms to honor their agreements and buy the shares they sold without owning in the first place. Naked shorting is outright theft. I'd be arrested if I printed copies of my cars title then sold them to separate people without ever owning the car. But Wallstreet gets away with it because they line the pockets of politicians and regulators. People literally admit to \"bribing their regulator\" on TV and nothing happens. Do your jobs please.