Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from G. P.
From: G. P.

Jan. 12, 2023

January 12, 2023

 I am writing in support of the proposed rule S7-32-22, Regulation Best Execution. Chairman Genslers remarks sum it up well: a best execution rule is indeed, too important, too central to the SECs mandate to protect investors, especially in todays complex markets.

To put it simply, the proposal is only as good as its enforcement. Broker-dealer accountability is critical and without meaningful consequences, violating these rules becomes simply the cost of doing business. I urge the SEC to pass these rules as quickly as possible and continue carrying out its mandate of consumer protection.

I would also respectfully request that the SEC move towards creating regulation that MANDATES forced settlement of trades and eliminates or greatly curtails the massive problem of failure-to-delivers in our markets. Reg Sho, in my opinion, is insufficient in addressing this systemic problem.

Thank you for your efforts in making our markets freer and fairer.