Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Amy Franklin
From: Amy Franklin
Affiliation: Retail Investor

Jan. 5, 2023

January 5, 2023

 Hello Mr Gensler

My name is Amy.  That name means many things. Single mother, American, middle class woman.  I am also now a retail investor.  That should mean that if I want to buy, trade, or even participate in the Financial Market I should have every right to.  There is supposed to be a level playing field so that EVERYONE has the same rules.

Hopefully you are aware of the movement that is happening.  By doing the interview with Mr. Lauer you meant to acknowledge the fact that you do.  There was no respect for the agencies that are supposed to police and enforce the laws and rules.  Frankly, Mr. Gensler many retail investors have no trust in you and especially not Hester.  She openly mocked our movement and she showed once again that she is not for retail investors.

After your commercials, that openly mocked the movement and retail investors again you became complicit.  The execution for everyone that wants to trade a stick should not be monopolized by a few Companies.  There should be an open market for execution costs like you mentioned in your interview.  My money should not be given straight to the billionaires to perform corrupt practices.  My money is my money.  When retail was robbed in Jan of 2021, there was nothing done.

Millions of people lost millions of dollars and billionaires made billions.  The people responsible for what happened even lied under oath and still are controlling our whole Market.  There should be no conflict.  A certain few should not be the Broker, Market Maker, and Hedge fund (citadel).  They should not control Finra the Dtcc and especially the SEC.  They should be held to the utmost regulations if they control our financial system  and are more powerful than our government.

My point here is that every rule you proposed is a start.  However we do not believe they will be enforced.  Many of the rules and laws have been broken daily.  Our community is amazing and many very intelligent.  We might be dumb money  but we are not wrong about anything we have proven.  When you spoke to our community with Dave Lauer some of us started to have a little faith in you again.  We know you are a millionaire and some of us are as well.  We deserve respect and justice.  And I would hope you would want to use the power and voice that you have to give that to the millions of us who have been robbed and then spat on after.  Please enforce these and the rules and laws already in place Mr. Gensler.  Along with your money you will also have respect and that is priceless.

Thank you