Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from E. Ginn
From: E. Ginn

Dec. 28, 2022

December 28, 2022

 Creating a rule to cover \"best execution\" protects investors and maintains fair, orderly, and efficient markets, but I am concerned with the numerous allowable \"exceptions\" proposed in this document.  I would like the penalties documented so that if any rule for best execution if violated, it will not allow the offender to be profitable from the rule violation - and further, prevent the perpetrator from engaging in market activity for a period of time after a violation.  Further, there should be public record (maybe hosted on the SEC web site) of any institution that performs a trade that shows the percentage of times the \"best execution\" was not performed and what percent of trades an \"exception\" was used to perform a trade, so that judgements can be made on which brokers protect investors and perform \"fair\" trades without the need of exceptions and which exceptions are used.