Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Cedric Der Calousdian
From: Cedric Der Calousdian
Affiliation: n/a

Dec. 27, 2022

December 27, 2022

 Rules ensuring best execution are sorely needed to maintain fair play in our markets. If the last two years has brought anything at all to light, it is the extent to which payment for order flow has hindered and created an inherent conflict of interest for market makers and major financial institutions, with particular regards to offering retail best execution on their trades.

These rule changes are critical to the health of a functioning market. To pretend otherwise is to turn a complete blind eye to the activities currently going on to a criminal degree (whether or not they are playing within the current rules). Retail orders have become a product in and of themselves, instead of what they should be, which is a direct interaction with the securities in question.

In the year 2023, we need to take our markets out of the dark ages and ensure that retail has access to best execution for their trades, and are not being saddled with middle man profiteering fees.