Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: N/A

Dec. 27, 2022

December 27, 2022

 Background: Hello I am an Average American. I was born here in redacted, 1994. I don't have a lot to invest but I have a lot of thought about OUR beloved Country and Stock Market. To cut to the chase:

I love the idea of requiring detailed policies and procedures for all broker-dealers that you've proposed. I think and hope you agree many of our broker-dealers have too much power over the Retail Investors. We witness this with Dark-Pool activity, we watch helplessly as certain stocks make very bizarre movements at times where retail is unable to make trades. Any sound of MORE regulation from the S.E.C. gives me images of prying open the door to a future Bernie Madoff type operation.

I also worry about FTX selling millions of synthetic shares of AMC and GME that manipulated OUR markets but I am unsure what if that's even your area of Regulation. Let's carry on.

As a retail investor and what I feel is Average American, I'm begging you for justice. I'm begging you for regulation to catch those who would cheat fellow AMERICANS or anyone who participates in our fair markets. Please.

Thank you for giving me your time.

Your Average American,