Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Justin McNaughton
From: Justin McNaughton
Affiliation: Nuclear - Control Technician

Dec. 26, 2022

December 26, 2022


My broker routes my orders through partners (ie. Citadel) who locate the best order execution for me the client.

Im tired of trusting a parter of my broker that routes retail orders off exchange. Look at GME for example. Lit volume per day vs off exchange.

I dont mind any extra costs, I just want my order to ALWAYS hit the lit exchange.

This FTX, MMTLP, GME situation has opened up my eyes on how this market is most likely rigged for hedge funds/market makerswho pretend to have retails best interest. Lies in my mind.

Word is spreading quickly amongst friends, family and co workers about how the market works and how it appears to be rigged.

How can hedge funds have billions of
Dollars of securities that havent been purchased yet. This shouldnt be possible.

Im tired hearing the reason is for liquidity.

FTDs, dark pool, short selling transparency and large companies acting as market makers/hedge funds need to be dealt with immediately

Retail investors are blown away that this is even happening.

Regardless of our interaction with commenting over the decades on rules. It shouldnt matter if you received comments from retail and only hedge funds. This is wrong and everyone knows this but allowed this market structure to be one sided.

How many families have been negatively affected over decades of hedge funds cheating or having rules developed to support their best interests and pretend its for retail.

The whole economy has been negatively affected because of this. Its beyond sad and disgusting what has happened.

Make the right changes to try and fix all the damage that has been done to give future generations a chance at fixing the future.

Thanks for reading this.