Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from F. Nelson
From: F. Nelson

Dec. 26, 2022

December 26, 2022

Dear SEC,

As a Retail Investor, I am eager to see long overdue reforms market operations.

No More Dark Pools.

No More Failure To Delivers.

No more payment for order flow.

No more naked shorting.

No more infinite liquidity.

No more small fines for massive felonies.

No more can kicking for trade settlement.

The DTCC needs to be subject to a complete forensic audit - annually.

No more shareholder voting rights being subverted due to shares in circulation exceeding the total shares issued.

If a share is not available at the current price, then the price should rise until a seller is enticed to sell. That this is not occurring as a standard function of the market - supply and demand - is egregious and felonious.

Markets have allowed to become nothing than a massive Ponzi scheme where market makers can manipulate security prices without significant consequence, regulators do not regulated, and politicians serve as mouthpieces to whichever organization lines his/her pockets.

The dominoes are beginning to fall in our under regulated and over leveraged markets. Without appropriate measures and enforcement, the resulting financial repercussions will be felt worldwide. The burden of blame will and should be put on the agencies that refuted their sole purpose.