Subject: 7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Daniel Ault
From: Daniel Ault
Affiliation: Retail Investor and Musician

Dec. 22, 2022

December 22, 2022

 Best execution is something everyone expects when they buy shares from a broker. They dont expect to have their order sold as a product to a financial predator posing as a market maker who then uses that information to profit at the expense of both the retail trader and price discovery. The slaughterhouse for retail that we call the stock market needs some major changes. We need more transparency, more simplicity, faster settlement and justice. We the people are getting very angry at the lack of justice and systemic corruption and historically that doesn't end well. Please protect us from the racketeers running the stock market and their political pawns. Banksters need to go to jail this time around, the people need to see justice.